11/19/2024 Dianna heads to SFRBM to present her work on the role of Prdx6 in supporting mitochondrial function.

11/10/2024 Emily, Liz and José head to Australia to present at the Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.

10/11/2024 The lab participates in the California Society of Physiologists meeting at UC Davis. We had fun and Giovanna gave a great talk!

10/10/2024 Our perspective paper is out! Great collaboration with colleagues who participated in our workshop last year. Congratulations to all the co-authors and especially to Manny, who kept us on track!

8/9/2024 Jose Arevalo earned his PhD and is moving into a postdoc with Ashley Webb at the Buck Institute. Congratulations Dr Arevalo!

8/9/2024 Kaitlin earned her PhD and will start a postdoc position with Michelle Shero at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution next month. Congratulations, Dr Allen!

7/7/2024 Giovanna heads out to present her work at SMBE 2024 in Mexico.

7/1/2024 Justin Conner joins the lab as a postdoc. Welcome Justin!

6/4/2024 José gets tenure. He will become an Associate Professor starting July 1st!

5/14/24 Heidi graduates with a BA in MCB. Congratulations!

5/2/24 Liz passed her QE. Congratulations Liz!!!!

4/23/2024 Kaitlin’s paper is out! Congratulations Kaitlin!

4/7/2024 We had a great time attending the 2024 American Physiology Summit in Long Beach! Diana, Dianna, Manny, Kaitlin, Emily, Jose A., Gaby, Robert, and Giovanna gave excellent presentations. Kaitlin’s, Jose’s, and Robert’s work was recognized as “Abstracts of Distinction”. Emily, Kaitlin, and Robert received awards from the Comparative Physiology and Endocrinology study sections, respectively. Congratulations!

4/6/2024 Our paper describing the role of Prdx6 as a ferroptosis suppressor in the lung is out! Congratulations Julia, Kaitlin et al.!

3/21/2024 Liz is awarded a DoD NDSEG Fellowship! Congratulations Liz!

3/20/2024 Gaby is awarded a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship! Congratulations Gaby!

1/17/2024 Giovanna Selleghin Veiga from the University of Campinas in Brazil joins the lab for 1 year as a Visiting Scholar. Welcome Giovanna!

11/17/2024 Robert wins an APS Endocrinology & Metabolism Section Research Recognition Award. Congratulations Robert!

11/16/2024 Kaitlin wins an APS Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology Section Dr. Dolittle Award! Congratulations Kaitlin!

11/15/2024 Emily wins an APS Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology Section Research Recognition Award! Congratulations Emily!

1/11/2024 Kaitlin wins a prestigious fellowship to continue her training at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Congratulations Kaitlin!

11/2/2023 Emily and Liz head to Norway, where they will continue our collaboration with Ander Goksoyr’s lab and present our work on the effect of emerging ocean pollutants on marine mammals! Stay warm and enjoy the whale safari!

10/26/2023 We had a great time attending SACNAS along with colleagues from MCB!

9/22/2023 We have received a new award from NIA to study natural resistance to cell death induced by oxidant stress in collaboration with James Olzmann and his team! We are thankful for the support!

9/3/2023 Kaitlin’s preprint is highlighted in preLights!

8/16/2023 We are happy to start teaching IB 41 Marine Mammals once again!

8/7/2023 Kaitlin, Gaby, and Diana present their research at the Annual Summit of UC San Diego’s Center for Physiological Genomics of Low Oxygen.

8/1/2023 Dianna Xing joins the lab as a postdoc on our Prdx6 project. Welcome Dianna!

7/12/2023 We are happy to host Gwenaelle Noally from the University of Bergen for the next two months. Welcome Gwen!

7/3/2023 Kaitlin’s preprint is out in bioRxiv!

6/25/2023 Diana gives a great talk about genomic insights into diving adaptations in pinnipeds at Evolution 2023!

5/28/2023 José presents the lab’s work at the Biennal Meeting of the Society for Comparative Endocrinology.

5/24/2023 We hosted a 2-day symposium on Marine Mammal Physiology, Toxicology, and Cell Biology. It was great seeing old and new colleagues from Europe and North America! We look forward to continuing working together!

5/12/2023 Yuka and Stella graduate with a BA in IB. Maxine graduates with a BS in MEB. Congrats to our graduates!

4/26/2023 Jose is selected as a recipient of the Berkeley Graduate Assembly Faculty Mentor Award!

4/19/2023 Members of the Brooks and Vázquez-Medina Labs head to the 2023 American Physiology Summit, where Kaitlin, Emily, and José gave talks. We had fun presenting our work and interacting with colleagues!

3/20/2023 Anders Goksoyr begins his 3-month visit in the lab as a Fulbright Distinguished Arctic Scholar Award. Welcome Anders!

2/23/2023 José speaks about the lab’s work in the Seminar Series of the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen

2/16/2023 José speaks about the lab’s work in the Seminar Series of the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo

02/12/2023 Kaitlin is back from a successful field season in Antarctica. Welcome back!

01/17/2023 We are happy to start teaching IB 132 Human Physiology once again!

12/15/2022 Anna graduates with a BA in MCB with Honors. Congratulations Anna!

11/16/2022 José presents the lab’s work at SFRBM 2022.

10/28/2022 Gaby, Diana, Maxine, and José head to the APS Comparative Physiology meeting in San Diego with fellow IB colleagues from the Williams, Dudley, Stillman, and Brooks labs. Great work, everyone! Special congratulations to Gaby, who gave an awesome talk at the Scholander Award Trainee Symposium!

10/11/2022 José speaks about the lab’s work in the Seminar Series of the Department of Biology, Colorado State University

9/8/2022 Gaby’s paper is out in Antioxidants. Congratulations Gaby!

8/18/2022 We have received a grant from NIGMS to continue our studies on Prdx6! We are thankful for the support!

8/17/2022 Liz Piotrowski joins the lab as a PhD student. Welcome Liz! We are very much looking forward to working with you!

08/01/2022 Emily, Kaitlin and José head to the Biennial Meeting on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Florida. We had fun interacting with colleagues in person again!

06/22/2022 Emily is awarded the 2022-2023 Philomathia Graduate Fellowship in Environmental Sciences! Congratulations Emily!

05/15/2022 Kyra graduates with a BA in MCB. Congratulations Kyra!

05/13/2022 Nadya earns her PhD in Evolutionary Biology at U Chicago! Congratulations Dr. Ali!

03/08/2022 Lisa Treidel’s (Williams Lab) paper is out today in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology! Congratulations Lisa! We miss you!

02/11/2022 Liz Piotrowski has accepted an offer to join us as a PhD student starting next fall. Welcome Liz! We are excited to have you join the team!

02/09/2022 José speaks about the lab’s work in the Seminar Series of the Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University.

01/11/2022 We have received a philanthropic gift from the Winkler Family Foundation to support our ongoing research on hypoxia tolerance in elephant seal endothelial cells! We are very grateful for this support!

12/1/2021 Diana Moreno-Santillán joins the lab as a posdoc. Welcome Diana!

12/12/2021 Emily has received a second year of support from the Carol Baird Fund to continue her fieldwork with elephant seals! Congratulations Emily!

10/1/2021 Lauren’s paper is out in PLOS One https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0257370 Congrats Lauren!

9/15/2021 David’s paper is out in JEB! https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.243198 Congratulations David!

9/9/2021 We have received a grant from the Peder Sather Center to study the effects of chemical pollutants on marine mammal physiology in collaboration with Anders Goksøyr (University of Bergen) and his team. Very much looking forward to starting this project with our Norwegian colleagues!

9/7/2021 We have two new amazing postdocs who will be joining the lab in the next few months. Serena Dai will be working on our NSF Polar grant. Diana Moreno-Santillan will work on our collaborative aging project with the Sudmant and Brooks labs. Welcome!

08/27/201 José speaks about the lab’s work at the Department of Biology and Marine Biology Seminar Series, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

08/11/2021 New work on dolphin hemoxygenase from Tania Zenteno-Savín and her team published today: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.711645/full A pleasure to continue our long-standing collaboration!

07/22/2021 Collaborative work from Kaitlin and José with Rosh Rahimian and her team from UoP published today: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8339592/

07/15/2021 José speaks about the lab’s work at the Department of Biology Seminar Series, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

07/14/2021 Julia’s paper is out in the American Journal of Physiology: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34260302/ Congratulations Julia!

07/13/2021 We have received a new NSF grant to study ischemic tolerance in Weddell seals in collaboration with Allyson Hindle

06/22/2021 New preprint available here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.21.449061v1 Congratulations to the first author, Gaby!

06/14/2021 José Arevalo is awarded a Porter Physiology Development Fellowship by the American Physiological Society! Congratulations José!

06/04/24 The lab’s work is featured in the American Physiological Society’s Lifelines blog, check it out: https://lifelinesblog.com/2021/06/04/extreme-physiology-of-diving/

05/21/2021New preprint available here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.19.444844v1 Congratulations to the first author, Lauren!

05/15/2021 Congratulations to Alex (MCB), Emily (MCB), and Lauren (IB) who graduated with honors!

05/14/2021 Lauren is recognized with the Natural History award of the Department of Integrative Biology. Congratulations Lauren!

04/27/2021 Congratulations to Julia and Kaitlin for getting Research Recognition Awards by the American Physiological Society, Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology Section!

04/15/2021 David has accepted an offer to join the Biology Faculty at San Jose State University! Congratulations Professor Ensminger!

04/02/2021 José speaks about the lab’s work at the Institute of Arctic Biology Life Sciences Seminar Series, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

04/01/2021 New preprint available here: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.31.437957 Congratulations to the first author, David!

03/22/2021 Gaby is awarded a Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship! Congratulations Gaby!

02/24/2021 Gaby passed her qualifying exam! Congratulations Gaby!

02/22/2021 New review article about fasting and redox biology published in CBP. Great team effort from David, Andrea, Gaby, and Kaitlin!

02/07/2021New preprint available here: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.05.429992 Congratulations to the first author, Julia!

02/05/2021 Emily has done a great job getting set up to begin her field project on thermal imaging of elephant seals! Big thanks to our collaborators at Point blue, National Park Service, and UCSC!

01/27/2021 New book chapter on redox signaling in the vascular endothelium. Congratulations to the first author, Kaitlin!

11/23/2020 José speaks about the lab’s work at the Seminario de Biología Evolutiva Marina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

11/20/2020 Julia and Jose Arevalo did an amazing job presenting their research at the annual meeting of the Society for Redox Biology. Congratulations!

10/20/2020 José speaks about the lab’s work at the Department of Biology Seminar Series, California State University Dominguez Hills

10/13/2020 Julia receives a Trainee Award from the Society for Redox Biology. Congratulations Julia!

6/9/2020 New paper accepted for publication in ICB. Congratulations to first author Emily L.!

5/15/2020 Diamond and Cambrie graduate with Honors from IB and ESPM, respectively. Congratulations!

5/14/2020 Kaitlin, Emily G., and Gaby’s research is featured in the APS blog Life lines: https://lifelinesblog.com/2020/05/14/physiology-of-diving-animals-how-do-they-deal-with-hypoxia/

4/27/2020 Kaitlin passed his qualifying exam! Congratulations Kaitlin!

4/19/2020 Cambrie presents her Honors Thesis work in the Environmental Sciences Senior Thesis Symposium. Congratulations Cambrie!

3/16/2020 Jose passed his qualifying exam! Congratulations Jose!

3/9/2020 Emily passed her qualifying exam to effectively become the first PhD candidate from the Lab. Congratulations Emily!

1/27/2020 José presents the lab’s work at the Comparative Physiology Seminar Series of the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia

1/21/2020 We are excited to start teaching our Spring IB 132 Human Physiology course with Prof George Brooks, Dr Tim Markowitz, and three amazing graduate student instructors: Lisa Treidel (Williams Lab), Adam Osmond (Brooks Lab) and Kaitlin Allen (Vazquez-Medina lab)

1/7/2020 José presents the lab’s work on stress physiology at SICB 2020

12/20/2019 Noemi graduates with a major in Integrative Biology. Congratulations Noemi!

12/7/2019 Emily, Kaitlin, Julia and José head attend the World Marine Mammal Meeting in Barcelona. Emily, Kaitlin and Julia did a great job presenting their research!

11/30/2019 Gaby is selected for participation at the Yale Ciencia Academy for Career Development. Congratulations Gaby!

11/20/2019 José presents the lab’s work on Prdx6 at the annual meeting of the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine

11/1/2019 David Ensminger joins the lab an NSF postdoctoral fellow. Welcome David!

10/9/2019 New paper comparing antioxidant responses to cadmium in human vs seal primary cells accepted for publication in CBP. Great to continue collaborating with Tania Zenteno-Savín and her team!

10/1/2019 Andrea Salvador Pascual joins the Brooks and Vázquez-Medina labs as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Andrea!

9/10/2019 José speaks at the Mexican Society for Biochemistry/Oxidative Stress Meeting in Mexico City about our work on peroxiredoxin 6

9/3/2019 New review paper published in the Special Issue of Frontiers in Physiology: “Time Domains of Hypoxia Adaptation: Evolutionary Insights and Applications”. Congratulations to first author Kaitlin Allen!

8/28/2019 Instruction begins. We are looking forward to teaching IB 41: Marine Mammals

8/21/2019 Gaby Arango joins the lab as a PhD student with a Chancellor’s Fellowship. Welcome Gaby!

8/27/2019 José presents the lab’s work in the Biology Department Seminar Series, University of San Francisco

8/13/2019 Jose Arevalo has received an NIH supplement to promote diversity that will help support his PhD work. Congratulations Jose!

8/4/2019 Emily, Julia, Kaitlin, Lisa (Williams Lab), Mattina (Bentley lab) and José headed to Ottawa for ICCPB 2019. IB trainees delivered great presentations at a wonderful meeting!

5/30/2019 New paper on redox metabolism in muscles from young and old Weddell seals accepted for publication in JEB. Great collaboration with Allyson Hindle. Congratulations to first author Kaitlin Allen!

5/30/2019 José gives a short presentation at UCSD’s Center for Physiological Genomics of Low Oxygen

5/24/2019 Esmeralda is graduating today and delivering the speech at the IB commencement ceremony. She received a scholarship from the Keck Graduate Institute where she will be starting her Masters in August. Best of luck Esme!

5/16/2019 Many thanks to Emily, Jose and Kevin Roberts (Williams Lab) for their great work as GSIs in our Spring IB 132 Human Physiology course co-taught with Prof George Brooks and Dr Tim Markowitz

5/4/2019 Emily and Kaitlin return to Baja, Mexico, to work on our UC MEXUS collaborative project on baleen whales

5/3/2019 José presents the lab’s work at the Biology Department Seminar Series, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

4/13/2019 The Vázquez-Medina Lab participates in Cal Day with an amazing experimental display. Thanks to Emily and Jose for putting this together and everybody for helping with it!

3/29/2019 The DoD awards Emily Lam a highly competitive National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship to study cellular responses to stress in Baleen Whales. Congratulations Emily!

3/19/2019 Jose Arevalo is the recipient of this year’s Outstanding GSI Award! Congratulations Jose!

3/1/2019 New paper on non-mammalian Prdx6 enzymes published in Antioxidants. A pleasure to collaborate with Renata Bannitz-Fernandes and Luis Netto from Sao Paulo!

2/21/2019 We have gray and humpack whale cells growing in Tania Zenteno’s lab in La Paz, Mexico!

2/15/2019 José presents the lab’s work at the Biology Department Seminar Series, Baylor University

2/6/2019 Emily, Kaitlin and José head to Baja, Mexico, to work on our UC MEXUS collaborative project on baleen whales

2/1/2019 José speaks about the lab’s work at the UC Berkeley/ESPM Wildlife Seminar Series

1/31/2019 New paper on the role of Prdx6 in acute lung injury published in AJP-Lung

11/20/2018 Invited review for a special forum on Prdx6 is featured on the cover of Antioxidants. Congratulations to first author Jose Arevalo!

10/31/2018 Julia Torres-Velarde joins the lab as a UC MEXUS postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Julia!

10/24/2018 Emily, Kaitlin and José headed to New Orleans to attend the APS Intersociety Meeting. Emily and Kaitlin delivered outstanding poster and oral presentations and José chaired a session

10/15/2018 The Vázquez-Medina Lab website is live! Thanks Emily! It looks great!